Stephan Sicars

Director of the Department of Environment at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Stephan Sicars

Director of the Department of Environment at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization


Working at, and subsequently managing, the Research Centre for Refrigeration and Heat Pumps, Germany. Consultant on environmental issues undertaking research projects for clients such as international industries, NGOs and governments. Was co-ordinating lead author for IPCC and received the US-EPA Ozone Award. For ten years, Senior Programme Officer with the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. In June 2014, appointed Director of the Montreal Protocol Branch of UNIDO, and in February 2015, appointed Director of the Department of Environment.

All sessions by Stephan Sicars

Official launch of the SwitchMed Connect 2016

2 Auditoriums (Francesc Cambó & Pau Gil)

High-level opening panel

17:20 - 18:20
Auditorium Francesc Cambó Auditorium Pau Gil
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