Senior Chief Engineer and graduate of a master’s degree in Environmental Management and Industrial Safety from the Ecole Nationale des Mines.
More than 25 years of professional experience at the Ministry of Sustainable Development in Morocco.
National focal point of the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production and as such participated in numerous working groups on the definition of regional strategies related to sustainable development in the Mediterranean Region.
In charge of monitoring several programmes and projects, in the field of environmental management, chemicals management, eco-innovation, etc.
Responsible for the coordination of the Industrial Pollution Control Fund when it is launched.
Since 2011, appointed head of the Partnership Division, which is responsible for initiating and developing partnership programmes with the various stakeholders (industry, civil society, local authorities and research institutes).
In charge of coordinating several cooperation programmes with the World Bank, Kfw, GiZ, JICA and UNIDO on waste management, industrial pollution control, promotion of industrial zones, promotion of green entrepreneurship, etc.
Deputy National Focal Point of the Switchmed Programme.