Mark Goedkoop

Mark Goedkoop


Mark was trained as a designer and Delft University of Technology, but soon realized everything mankind needs has already been designed. So he decided to focus on eco-design. The new challenge was how you measure “ECO”.

It was the time Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was virtually non-existing and quite cumbersome to use, especially in a design process, so Mark focused on making LCA easier to apply and understand. From 1990, his company PRé Sustainability developed the SimaPro LCA software in 1990 and developed methods like the Eco-indicator 95 and 99, followed by ReCiPe 2008; which are all widely used and open sourced.

Mark played an active role in the advisory board of the EU Product Environmental Footprint methodology development. Mark Trained experts in Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco in using the PEF methodology in the SwitchMed pilot project.

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