Francesc Giró i Fontanals
Francesc Giro I Fontanals is graduated in Agricultural Engineering by ESAB (Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona belonging to Polytechnic University of Catalonia).
From 1987 to 1992 he was involved in some research working groups on organic waste composting and quality of compost in several composting plants of Catalonia & Spain.
From year 1989 to 1992 he was working as teacher at ESAB (analytical chemistry) and also as researcher on several projects on quality of the compost.
From the year 1993 he changed to work, as a technician, at Waste Agency of Catalonia (belonging to Environment Department of Government of Catalonia), where he was working with high commitment to develop and promote the implementation of biowaste separate collection, and planning the net of biological treatment plants.
Since 2011 to 2016, he has been working as deputy-director of Waste Agency of Catalonia, coordinating, among other issues, the new planning on waste management (PRECAT20).
Since 2016 up to now, he is working as Director of Strategic Planning of Waste Agency of Catalonia.
He is also the representative member of Spain in the ECN (European Compost Network); he was responsible for organizing the International Workshop “The Future of Source Separation of Organic Waste in Europe” (Barcelona, December 2003). He has also been invited in conferences, workshops or seminars around Europe, USA and South America. He has also collaborated in the writing of some books, scientific and dissemination articles.