Andrés Gallardo
Andrés Gallardo was born and raised in Santiago, Chile. He has studied Industrial Design at Universidad de Chile and has a Master’s Degree in Research for Design and Innovation at Elisava, in Barcelona.
Currently Andrés is working as an eco-innovation strategist at Inèdit ( executing tasks as speaker and facilitator in eco design, industrial design, as well as an active trend researcher.
He teaches trend analysis and design research at Istituto Europeo di Design in Barcelona. Andrés has also been guest professor to at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, to present a course on trendwatching.
In 2017, alongside to Manuela Procopio, he has published his first report about trends called “ Creative Spaces and New Collaborative Trends”. This project has been financed by the chilean government and was sponsored by Istituto Europeo di Design.