Accelerating eco and social innovation in the Mediterranean region
Parallel sessions. Get insights from SwitchMed on-the ground experience and join the debate on how to accelerate eco and social innovation in the Mediterranean region. Participants are invited to choose among one of the following sessions:
- Innovative financial instruments for green entrepreneurs in MENA – Auditorium Francesc Cambó
The session’s goals are to share the main findings of SwitchMed related to the finance challenges faced by Green Entrepreneurs, provide an open space to discuss, collect feedbacks and facilitate peer learning among the involved actors.
- Moderators:
- Alessandra Sensi, Head of Sector Environment and Blue Economy Water and Environment Division UfM
- Claudia Pani, Project Manager, SCP/RAC
- Daniel Sorrosal, Policy and Advocacy Manager, FEBEA
- Hala Mujalli, Finance Expert, Jordan
- Michelle Mouracade, Country Director for Lebanon, Alfanar
- Gian-Luca Gasparini, Project Manager, SEFEA CONSULTING
- Najib Saab, Secretary General, Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
- Tracy El Achkar, Project Manager, Viridis Fund
- How to design a business in the circular economy – Auditorium Pau Gil
Based on the real experience of a company and from entrepreneurs that eco-designs its products, we will analyze the main problems faced by companies when eco-designing and as well as existing opportunities and solutions.
- Yair Engel, Director, Kayama – Center for Sustainable Design / EPEA Cradle to Cradle Israel
- Anna Ibañez de Arolas, Project Manager, SCP/RAC
- Irene Diez Ruiz, General Manager, ECOALF Foundation
- Andrés Gallardo, eco-innovation Strategist at Inèdit
- Michal Bitterman, CEO and Co-Founder of The Natural Step Israel branch
- Shimrit Penkol-Finkel, CEO at of ECOncrete
- Mar Güell Blasi, Sustainability Manager, Public Affairs IBERIA, DANONE
- How to facilitate access to market and global value chains for green entrepreneurs – Floor -1/ Rooms 1-2
In this session, we will revisit the challenges faced by the Switchers (green entrepreneurs) for accessing to markets and explore a spectrum of solutions in response to these challenges. In addition, we like to discuss the type of partnerships (sector specific or across sectors) needed to effectively enable access to markets.
- Moderator:
- Burcu Tunçer, Team Leader, SwitchMed Networking Facility, Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC)
- Ahmed Nour, Business Development Lead, Yomken
- Malick Kane, Green Production and Export Project, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- Frank Maul, Head of Import Promotion Desk, Germany
- Noa Aharoni, Manager Cleantech and Construction-tech sectors, IEICI – Export Institute Israel