Accelerating the Circular Economy

Accelerating the Circular Economy

Round table discussions. Join these roundtable discussions to exchange and co-create with your peers and potential new partners, in order to accelerate the Circular Economy. The roundtable discussions offer a platform for cross-country and cross-sector exchange and for exploring new collaboration opportunities.


  • Financing SCP Practices: Fostering South-South Green Dialogue (hosted by Switch Africa / SEFEA) – Floor -1/ Rooms 1-2

This seminar wants to be a catalyst for an exchange between experts from the MENA and Sub-Saharan regions, discussing best practices, challenges and opportunities when devising solutions for the financing of SCP practices.

  • Gian-Luca Gasparini, Project Officer, SEFEA Consulting


  • Wissam Mansour, Switcher (green entrepreneur)
  • Fabio Petroni, Director of Programmes, E4Impact
  • Davide Libralesso, Head of Programmes and International Relations, Etimos Foundation
  • Paolo Pastore, Director, Fairtrade Italia


  • Green entrepreneurship and women: perspectives for cooperation in the Mediterranean (hosted by Generalitat de Catalunya) – 2nd Floor/ Room 3-4

In this session, stakeholders from the two shores of the Mediterranean will look at key facts such as the empowerment of women, social and solidarity-based economy (SSE), equity in the labour market and  formalisation of the submerged / informal economy in which many women develop small economic activities.


  • Mireia Borrell, General Director of External Affairs, Government of Catalonia


  • Cristian Bevacqua, Country Relationship Manager for Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal, Advisor on Youth and Employment, Oxfam Italy
  • Rudaina Haddad, Founder, Al Marj, Jordan
  • Fatiha Hassouni,  Head of Sector Gender equality & Women empowerment at the Union for the Mediterranean
  • Jordi Panal, Consultancy and Finance director at IES MED


  • SWITCH Synergies: Get to know other regional SCP Programmes & connect for synergies (co-hosted by the EU SWITCH to Green Flagship Initiative) – Auditorium Pau Gil

This session aims to facilitate peer-to-peer exchange and to provide input on how the SwitchMed beneficiaries can get value from the different SWITCH regional programmes.


  • Alexander Charalambous, Team Leader, EU SWITCH to Green Flagship Initiative


  • Isabelle Demolin on behalf of SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility
  • Rhoda Wachira, Programme Officer, SWITCH Africa Green Programme
  • Fabienne Pierre, One Planet Network (10 Year Framework Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production) Secretariat
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